30 logos from 30 design blogs

Design blogs are becoming more and more popular. Here I highlight 30 logo designs that appear at the top of 30 familiar design blogs (listed in alphabetical order)...

Okaaaay, we’re still here! We’ve had some busy times which wasn’t the best for this blog, BUT - we’re back (actually never gone)! And before we post the next part of Project WP (we’re gonna get dirty there with Photoshop, by the way), we thought we’d make it up to you with a free vector...

For a long time I used the Del.icio.us Tagometer Badge on this blog. If you’re not familiar with the Tagometer Badge (shown below), basically its purpose is to show visitors how many Del.icio.us users have bookmarked a particular page, what tags are commonly being used for that page, and it makes it easy for them to bookmark the page themselves...

If web pages were made out of wood, the grain would be running up and down. Vertical is the natural flow of web layout. When page elements reach the right edge of the browser window and go over, the flow defaults to “wrapping” that element down onto the next line. The more content on the page, the taller it gets, not the wider. Why is this? Because it just makes sense. Our eyes are used to reading fairly short lines of text, so if we were to see a paragraph of text in one long straight line, it would be painful to read. Paragraphs need to have line breaks in them to be readable (hence the term “blocks” of text). We sure as heck don’t want to hard-code line breaks into the markup ourselves. Obviously, we don’t have to, the browser does this wrapping for us. Thus the vertical expansion.

Yes, the lines were not as long as the first time round. Yes, the hype was not that immense (pretty close, though) But still, the baby Jesus phone once again lived up to the hype; according to Apple, one million iPhones have been sold over the weekend, and ten million iPhone applications were downloaded...

1-Apple - Web apps
3-iPhoneAppr ...

I’ve had my first iPhone for less than 24 hours now and I’m already addicted. I’ve downloaded and experimented with a bunch of apps and am pretty happy with them. But, I have to admit that there are still some apps I’d love to see. I’ve put together a list of 10 iPhone apps I’ve played with and 10 I’d really like to have on hand...

When people first learn about link building as a part of search engine marketing (SEO), they run across many different offers from companies willing to get links to their websites for them, for a price. They also see high PageRank websites offering to sell links on their site on a per month basis, in order to essentially pass that PageRank onto your site, giving your site more authority in the search engines. While this is a viable method the get authority for your website or blog, it can get very expensive, and frankly, it’s out of the budget for most bloggers or beginning website owners who just bought hosting, a domain, and a website design. The good news is that there are ways to find dofollow links (ones that pass authroity onto your site, as opposed to nofollow links, which don’t). I am going to show you 4 easy ways to get dofollow links to your site...

There are many ways to add notes to Google Notebook: you can visit google.com/notebook or click on "My notebooks" from any Google search results page. To add excerpts from web pages, you need an extension: Google Toolbar 5 for IE or Google Notebook for Firefox. But what happens if you use a browser like Safari or if you aren't allowed to install add-ons?

Scour is a search tool that blends results from Google, Yahoo, and MSN together in one stream. You can hot-swap between the three, or break out any single result into another search. If you come across a bad result, or one you think should go above the others, you can also vote it up (or down) or leave a comment--something similar to what Wikia did with its hackable search engine...

Meteora is set of cross-browser Widgets and Controls that allows you to quickly write rich and customizable web applications without having to waste time reading full pages of documentation or programming excessive javascript that is painful to debug in every browser...

Sometimes, certain photo effects grab your attention to the point of mesmerizing you. That’s pretty much what happened when I saw the Curl Border effect, as illustrated below...