Of course, you need to know how to use GIMP well. The power of GIMP leads to an unfortunate effect of being too complex for a complete beginner to understand. To solve that riddle, here are some good GIMP tutorials from popular websites. Bookmark this post - we will be continuously updating it as we find better tutorial websites. Clicking on the screenshot of the website takes you to the website, and a few good tutorials that I found on those websites have been listed below the screenshot...

This is part 3 of 3 on my website header and navigation tutorial. If you’ve gotten to this page and would like to follow along, you can view part 1 or part 2 by following the previous links.

This tutorial will guide you through the steps required to access your OS X files and folders from Windows Vista...

Unique patterns can be derived from something simple. Introducing BgPatterns, a background creator for web designers...

few hours ago at 11am ET one of the better domain extensions to debut in recent memory - .me – went on sale at GoDaddy for $19.99/yr. Since then, chaos has ensued, as apparently purchases are either not going through, or going through but the domain name remains available for others to buy. As an illustration of the problem this creates, according to the Twitter message below, at least 8 or 9 people are claiming to have receipts for the domain name aweso.me...

A simple component to select color in the same way as you select color in Adobe Photoshop Features...

Enter Scene 360’s contest to be eligible to win an event ticket to the Spanish design conference on September 12th and 13th in Madrid, Spain. We are offering only the tickets, so if you live near Spain or can afford to get there, just fill in the form. Good luck!...

Maybe you think that designing an Icon is very difficult and just some professionals can do it.
But those professionals are here to teach you how to design your own simple icons just by reading some of the best tutorials have been collected here.
I’ve placed these tutorials into 3 categories; Articles, Photoshop, and illustrator Tutorials...

First, let's look at some concepts that will help you to create characters with dynamic and interesting poses. Then we'll break down the basic process of creating a character from sketching through to the final vector file. Whether you're interested in creating vector mascots for branding design, or making interesting characters to use in your animations, you'll find these techniques helpful...

You know it: Forms are one of the most important part of a website. But forms also require a lot of work. Happilly, the excellent Javascript framework Mootools is here to help: Here’s 10 scripts to enhance your forms, both visually and functionally...

Ever wanted to find a font just like the one used by certain publications, corporations, or ad campaigns? Well now you can, using WhatTheFont font recognition system. Upload a scanned image of the font and instantly find the closest matches in our database...

Before that, you need to download and install a localhost in your pc. I am using xampp for this. After that, download wordpress from wordpress official website. Then, we will use the default theme to start the wordpress implementation. Below is the main sections that we need to take care with. I also create a few extra files for the theme we are going to build...

Colin Moock has been creating some buzz in the Flash community with his article on the charges against ActionScript 3.0:...

It's time that Opera Mobile got its due. Long overshadowed by Opera Mini--the light, server-fed browser for Java phones--Opera Mobile is a robust browser built on Web standards (and written with C and C++) that's known for delivering a full Web experience to Windows Mobile and Symbian phones...

PostcardViewer, similar to AutoViewer (see WRD post) which is created by the same company, is a free Flash image gallery application with a very nice presentation...

This is an incredible free icon set I recently came across and I wanted to make sure no one misses it. While I’m at it, I’d like to apologize for the lack of activity lately. I’m slaving over a complete re-design of BittBox at the moment and I’m neck deep in code and bug fixes, not to mention icon surfing. (Oh, and when BBv4 launches, you can kiss that big Google ad at the top of each post goodbye :) Anyway, for the time being, head on over to the Function site for a killer free icon set. The set includes 128 48 x 48px icons, yummy!...

Last month we missed the free WordPress theme release, but the one for July is available now. BlueSensation is a clean theme with a traditional look: large content column on the left and a single sidebar, ready to display 125×125 ads...

As part of Mozilla Corporation’s ongoing stability and security update process, Firefox 3.0.1 is now available for Windows, Mac, and Linux for free download from http://getfirefox.com/...

Bluepulse, a social network geared exclusively for easy and free messaging among Web-enabled mobile phones, is expanding on its list of compatible devices today with the launch of an application designed to give iPhone owners a custom-fit window to send messages quickly to any number of friends...

Live-blogging toolCoverItLive has released an upgrade this week that is truly helpful for bloggers in the social media space. If you’ve got one of those handy phones that supports Qik, or you do live video blogging with Mogulus or ustream, you can now drop your feeds into your CoverItLive window and broadcast it to the world, along with your live blogging coverage...